Thursday, March 6, 2014

A short history of the
William T. and Hannah Caroline Powell Williams Family
Related by W.T. Williams – Compiled by Delila G. Williams
June 14, 1943
William T. Williams and Hannah Caroline Powell

WILLIAM 'T' WILLIAMS and HANNAH CAROLINE POWELL were married December 25, 1900 at Tucker, Utah County, Utah by Justice of the Peace James H. Robinson.  J.W. Coburn and S.H. Cornaby were the two witnesses.

Our first children were twins. They were born December 9, 1901 in Tucker Precinct on the old Powell ranch, which is located one and a half miles northwest of Tucker in Spanish Fork Canyon. They were named ANN REES and EDITH LAST. Ann Rees died August 13, 1904, at the ranch of tonsillitis. 

THOMAS CORNABY was the next child, he being born April 17, 1904 on the upper ranch at the forks of Tie Fork. I bought a squatter’s right out and built a two-room house of sawed logs. Thomas died May 15, 1904. The cause of his death was thought to be spinal meningitis.

Our next child was another boy and he born June 8, 1905, at the old Powell ranch.  We named him ALLEN BERRY WILLIAMS. We chose the name Allen, as it was a fad then, but the Berry came from a friend of Grandfather Cornaby’s in England. 

Our next child we named DAVID CLARK. He was named after David T. Clark, the man who first encouraged me in life. Clark was born at the old Michael Barkley ranch which belonged to me at that time. He was born February 18, 1907.

SAMUEL CORNABY was the next child’s name. He was born at Tucker, Utah in the upstairs of the store which the family owned and operated. He was born March 7, 1909.

The next child was a girl. RUTH AMELIA was born July 1, 1911 at the old Powell ranch, which we owned at that time. While I was at Provo having Sam’s broken arm set, the baby was born.

GRACE EMILY was born at the Powell ranch May 13, 1913. It was when the D&RG Railroad was making a big cut in the mountains and they were using blasting powder to blast. We had to take Mother out in the field when the baby was only ten days or two weeks old, as we didn’t know what damage the blasting would do.

DORA C (initial only) was born May 30, 1915 at the Powell ranch. She died of inflammation of the bowels {now known as appendicitis} on October 2, 1916, at the ranch.

Our next child was a boy. He was born on September 16, 1917, at the Powell ranch. We named him GRANT GRIFFITHS. 

DORIS PEARL was born December 26, 1921 at Springville, Utah at the home of Mrs. George Tew. Mrs. Millie Martin took care of the mother and baby. The baby died December 29, 1923 of poisoning. Dr. Joseph Hughes opened her up but sewed her up again, as she was filled with the poison. She died a few hours later.

HANNAH WILLET was born at Spanish Fork, Utah at the Thomas Curtis home on Third South and Fourth East on April 23, 1925. Hannah was named after her mother and father.

Our children who have died are buried in the cemetery at Tucker, Utah.

At the present time, there are six of my children married. I have sixteen grandchildren – three girls and thirteen boys.                                                       
William 'T' Williams (1871-1949) & Hannah C. Powell (1882-1947)
Allen Berry Williams (1905-2000)
LaVon Williams
Diane Finlinson

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